Friday 28 June 2013

Me & Candi-Cloud: Hybrid Brownies

Candi-Cloud: Hybrid Brownies Candi-Cloud and I made these amazing brownie-muffin hybrids! I found the original recipe on and just knew it had to be done!! 

Here's her blog post!

I'm Back!!

Amazing panoramic views on top of Poet's Walk

Hello again!

I've been away for a while - moved into a small flat with the OH about a month ago and just havent had time. MY GOD moving is stressful! There's the packing up your life, transporting it all and then you've got to unpack it all again!

We're in Clevedon now - it really is lovely being right next to the beach

Clevedon beach and pier

Luckily we don't really have much stuff so unpacking only took 2 days! There was a rather epic battle between the OH and an Ikea chest of first it looked like the drawers were winning, but after a quick dash to the neighbor's to get a pair of pliers and a hammer - man won!

We've expanded our family and bought some more fish..... we named them Cletus and Opal (one guess which one is Cletus) the OH loved Cletus at first sight - for me it was more pity because he looked so sad! love them all now!!


All the fishies!

Now we're settled in i'm planning on doing some more proper cooking and posting a bit more! i'm hoping to find some quirky little places around Clevedon i can share as well!!